Studying while having care and nursing responsibilities for children can be a big challenge. Leibniz Universität Hannover aims to support students with family responsibilities so that they can study successfully.
Contact persons for questions regarding the balance between studying and family are the Equal Opportunities Office with the Family Service, the equal opportunities officers of the faculties as well as the deans of studies and examination offices. In addition, there is the possibility of contacting the ombudsperson for good study conditions with complaints or suggestions for improvement.
Pregnant while studying
Pregnancy during your studies can be a challenge and raises a number of questions - we are happy to help you.
We will be happy to go through the planning of the further course of studies, questions about the semester off and examination options, final thesis and protective measures under the Maternity Protection Act with you.
If you are pregnant, please contact Joana Rieck at Hochschulbüro für ChancenVielfalt for a personal consultation:
You can find more information on maternity protection here: Information for pregnant students.
The examination regulations usually allow family-friendly exceptions for pregnant students and students with family responsibilities such as caring for a child or relatives (see in particular §16 of the examination regulations). Please contact your examination board or dean of studies for information on the regulations at your faculty.
Part-time studies
At Leibniz Universität Hannover it is possible to study part-time in some degree programmes. The part-time study must be applied for each semester at the Enrolment Office. In a part-time semester, a maximum of half of the credit points specified in the examination regulations may be acquired. Full-time studies must be taken in the semester in which the final thesis is written. For a semester of part-time study, the full semester fee and, if applicable, half of the long-term study fees must be paid. The BAföG entitlement does not apply to part-time studies. You can find more information here: Part-time study at LUH.
Leave of absence
Students can take a leave of absence for up to 6 consecutive semesters during pregnancy and when raising a child. An application for leave of absence must be submitted to the Enrolment Office every semester. You can find the application form and further information here: Leave of absence/ semester off at LUH.
PhD Completion Grant
If the doctoral degree is delayed because it is difficult to reconcile science and family, a PhD completion grant can be applied for. You can find the information sheet here.
MensaCard Kids
The Studentenwerk Hannover supports student parents with the MensaCard Kids. With it, children up to the age of twelve can eat free of charge once a day in the Studentenwerk's cafeterias and refectories if one parent buys a full meal for themselves. Students can obtain the MensaCard Kids in the foyer of the main cafeteria at the MensaCard counter. To do so, you must present your student ID or certificate of enrolment as well as the child's birth certificate and provide your address. Further information can be found here: Website of the Studentenwerk Hannover.
Age limit and extension of funding
The BAföG age limit is 30, and 35 for Master's degree programmes. An exception to this age limit is made for students who are raising children under the age of 14 and are only gainfully employed to a limited extent. In the case of pregnancy or raising one or more children, the grant can also be extended beyond the maximum grant period. This grant then does not have to be repaid.
Leave of absence
Students on leave of absence are not entitled to BAföG. Outside of formal leave of absence, students who have to interrupt their studies due to pregnancy or illness can continue to receive BAföG for up to three months. If the interruption lasts longer than three months, students must take a leave of absence with the consequence of losing their funding.
Allowances and childcare supplement
When calculating BAföG and repaying it, allowances for children are granted. Student parents who receive BAföG can apply for a childcare allowance. The prerequisite for this is that they live in a household with at least one child of their own who has not yet reached the age of fourteen.
Advice from the Studentenwerk Hannover
The Studentenwerk Hannover offers comprehensive information and advice on the subject of financing your studies and BAföG in particular. Find out more here: BAföG website of the Studentenwerk Hannover.
Financial support for parents
Parental allowance:
Parental allowance is a family benefit for parents who look after their child themselves during the first months of life and are not or not fully employed. Parents who,- look after and bring up their children themselves after birth and
- do not work more than 30 hours a week and
- live in a household with their children and
- have a place of residence or habitual abode in Germany,
can receive parental allowance, parental allowance plus or partnership bonus for up to 12 months (single parents for up to 14 months).
The basic parental allowance is 300 euros (e.g. for students) - for employees the amount of the parental allowance depends on the income earned in the year before the birth. Up to 65% of the income can be paid. The application for parental allowance is submitted to the parental allowance office of the municipality where you live or online. Further information can be found here: Family benefits. Further information can be found here: Federal Family Portal. You should also try the Elterngeldrechner: Parental allowance calculator.
Child benefit:
Child benefit can be paid for own, foster or adopted children, grandchildren, children of the spouse or the civil partner from birth until the age of 18 – in certain cases also beyond that age. Furthermore you have to belong to one of the following groups of persons:- German citizens, if their place of residence or the place where they usually stay is located in Germany.
- Citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or of Switzerland if their place of residence or the place where they usually stay is located in Germany and who are entitled to freedom of movement.
- Persons, who live in another country and who are either wholly liable to pay tax in Germany or who are treated accordingly.
- Foreign nationals in possession of a valid settlement permit. Certain other resident permits may also entitle to child benefit.
- Refugees and persons entitled to asylum who have been incontestably recognised as such.
Further information on child benefit: Bundesagentur für Arbeit - Financial Support. The BMFSFJ also has a fact sheet on child benefits: Merkblatt Kindergeld.
Long-term studies
If students exceed the standard period of study plus 6 tolerance semesters, long-term tuition fees apply. For example, if you are studying in a Bachelor's degree programme, the standard period of study is 6 semesters + the 6 semester tolerance = 12 semesters. From the 13th semester onwards, you would therefore have to pay long-term tuition fees. You can find more information here: Study costs - what expenses will I incur at university?
Students who are caring for a child can apply for exemption from these fees at the end of the registration period. To apply, you will need a copy of the child's birth certificate and a registration or household certificate for the current calendar year. The exemption is usually granted for two semesters. You can find the required applications here: All Registration Office Application Forms.
Family rooms: Nursing, rest and study rooms
Many institutes and facilities provide special rooms for pregnant and nursing students and parents to help them better reconcile work/study and family life. At Leibniz Universität there are nursing and rest rooms, study and recreation rooms and parent-child offices. You can find an overview here: Family Rooms: Nursing, rest, study and work rooms for families.

30167 Hannover

30167 Hannover