ChancenVielfalt Diversity Management Racism
International weeks against racism


The International Weeks against Racism are nationwide action weeks of solidarity with those affected by racism as well as opponents of racism. They take place annually around March 21, the "International Day against Racism," which the United Nations proclaimed in 1966.

Racism does not stop at universities. As an overall social phenomenon, racism is also structurally anchored in the university context and manifests itself at various levels. Lack of representation and participation of non-white university members, Eurocentric perspectives of science and everyday racism in courses are some examples. Universities also have to position themselves in the discourse on racism, take a look at their own institution, question (often unconscious) racist structures and practices and counteract them.

We take the International Weeks against Racism as an opportunity to point out various offers for members of Leibniz Universität Hannover:


Workshop Rassismus & Allyship with Michelle Bray on 16.05.2023, 14-18 Uhr, online.

Handout for teaching critical of racism and anti-Semitism (in german), created by students & faculty of special education

A-Team LUH: Peer-to-peer counseling for students by students experiencing racism and discrimination.

Counseling in case of discrimination at LUH

On the Antidiscrimination & Antiracism page, we bundle existing activities on the topic. Feel free to report other LUH offerings and activities at that we can include here.